Category: Blog

  • Product Strategy Means Saying No

    If you’re building a product, you have to be great at saying No. Not ‘maybe’ or ‘later’. The only word is No. Building a great product isn’t about creating tonnes of tactically useful features which are tangentially related. It’s about delivering a cohesive product with well defined parameters.

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  • Burnout

    You know that feeling when you’ve been working a long time on something, this is called burnout. You don’t have the energy to keep going, and you need a break. Some say that as long as you work normal hours, and not push yourself you’ll be fine.

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  • Design Discontent and How to Improve

    “Our discontent is the basis for wanting to improve the things we observe. Next time someone says designers are unhappy people, explain that you’d be happier if the world didn’t need so much improving.” — Courtesy Cat S.

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  • The Comment Toggle Trick

    This trick below can be used to toggle between two sets of code, with one symbol in the code with no additional short-keys to learn, and no tool dependencies! //* /* someCode(); someCode(); // // someOtherCode(); someOtherCode(); /// /// Here is a version for simply commenting code in and out: //* someCode(); //*/ Deactivated /…

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  • CSS Selectors

    The key lies in using CSS selectors efficiently to maximize performance and minimize load time, though this efficient usage matters only for website with thousands of DOM elements and the speed is the key for the existence in the market. A CSS selector selects the HTML element(s) you want to style. CSS selectors are used to “find” (or select) the HTML…

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  • TIL some Photoshop tricks

    Today I learned some amazing Photoshop tricks. Check them out below and please add your own tips & tricks in the comment section.  TIL you can right-click with the eyedropper tool in Photoshop to get a “Copy Color’s Hex Code” option. By holding shift you can also sample up to 4 points at a time…

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  • Use Gravatar as your Favicon

    An interesting little factoid that I stumbled upon fiddling around with Favicons is you can use the get_avatar built-in function to get your gravatar as a favicon on your WordPress blog. Please note this will only work if your WordPress blog admin email and gravatar email are the same and is achieved simply by adding this simple…

    Use Gravatar as Your Favicon Hero Image