Author: Lucas Cobb
Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheets
I’m excited to present Photoshop and Illustrator keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for Adobe CS6 from ZeroLag. They designed it specifically with graphic designers in mind. They also provided code below the graphics so you can share it on your blog to help improve the productivity of fellow graphic designers. There are printer-friendly versions that fit perfectly on letter-size…
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15 Tips for Self Promotion
I hope you enjoy these tips on self promotion in the design field. Do something different – Dream up some caper that isn’t on this list and put it into action with characteristic flair. Talk to (real) people – Don’t just talk to designers, talk to everyone and anyone. Stay in touch – Exchanging favors is what makes the world go…
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The History of Graphic Design
This great deck shows a broad history of Graphic Design from its coinage to the practices of responsive design going on today. Graphic design is the art or profession of combining text, pictures, and ideas in advertisements, publication, or website. At its widest definition, it therefore includes the whole history of art, although painting and…
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Combine Two Animals With Photoshop
In this free Photoshop tutorial we’ll be covering the techniques used to extract and apply textures from one animal to another – combining two animals with photoshop. Using just a few key tools and the Overlay blend mode, you’ll see how simple it can be to combine your own favorite animals. You won’t be limited…
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Facebook Like Button Plugin
The Facebook Like Button Plugin adds the Facebook like button before and after your blog post. Download it at the WordPress Repository
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Craft Photoshop Text Effect Tutorial
In this text effect tutorial Enrique Flouret shows us how to create a Craft photoshop font style reminiscent of a Wired Magazine headline introduced on the September 2008 issue. Although the effect is a bit different, all credit should be given to Mario Hugo. Here´s the finished Papercraft Text Effect. Try it with different fonts…
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10 Reasons to not Date a Designer
Here are ten reasons why you should not date a designer. They analyze everything… They know who did everything design… Nothing can be normal… They are never “actually” there… They constantly talk about other designers… They can’t stop tinkering… They can’t stop buying “cool” stuff… They are impossible to buy gifts for… Everything has to…
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Absolute Vertical & Horizontal Centering with CSS
We’ve all seen margin: 0 auto; for horizontal centering, but margin: auto; has refused to work for vertical centering… until now! But actually (spoiler alert!) absolute centering only requires a declared height* and these styles: .Absolute-Center { margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; bottom: 0; right: 0; }
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